First Lady Brenna Fields Hayes
Founder & Senior Pastor Leroy Hays
& Pastor & First Lady Brenna Fields Hayes
About Us
Our purpose as members of this local body is to reconcile people to God through a relationship with Jesus Christ and membership in His family, train them up to live a Godly life, equip them for their ministry, and send them out to evangelize the world in order to magnify God’s name.
Anointed Word Church is a multi-cultured, non-denominational ministry operating under the covering of AFCM- Association of Faith Churches and Ministries – Apostle Jim Kaseman, Wilmar, MN.
AWC was established in 1990 by Pastor Roy and his late wife Sandi Hayes with a mandate from God to teach people how to effectively use the Word of God and faith in their everyday lives.
Today, Pastor Roy, First Lady Breena Hayes along with the body of AWC is the bridge for a lost world to see Jesus.